Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016

Study of health problems of training female constables.

Dr Harshal Narendra Bhitkar

Abstract :

 Police work tends to impose a high degree of multiplicity of stressful situation which can affect the physical, mental and interpersonal relationship of police personnel(1). This study was carried out at Female Police Training Academy in western Maharashtra and 400 female police trainee were screened in this study. Data collected through questionnaire and clinical examination of the training candidates. The present study aims to point out the incidence of health problems amongst the female police trainee during their strenuous training period. The study points towards majority of the problems like dehydration , constipation, back pain , joint pain, anaemia , urinary tract infections, thyroid problems etc.

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DR HARSHAL NARENDRA BHITKAR Study of health problems of training female constables. Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume-5, Issue-10, October‾2016

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