Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2015

Study of Few Chemical Parameters of Ashti Lake from Solapur District, Maharashtra

A. L. Shaikh, D. S. Nikam

Abstract :

Aquatic ecosystem forms one of the important habitat for various living things. It provides the base for survival of all the biota. On the surface of globe, water and life are intimately associated as water grows scantier life becomes more restricted until with the total failure of water life also disappears. The existance of aquatic biota depends upon the abiotic factors. Certain ecological factors are known to have very profound effect on the aquatic ecosystem. Keeping this into mind present study was undertaken to reveal the present status of few chemical parameters in the water of Ashti Lake. All the parameters studied are within the prescribed desirable limit. All the parameters have shown the seasonal variation and all the parameters are correlated with each other. The results are discussed with recent literature

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A.L. Shaikh, D.S. Nikam Study of Few Chemical Parameters of Ashti Lake from Solapur District, Maharashtra Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 2 February 2015

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