Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2016

Structural changes and retinal cell layers damages induced by CdCl2 treatment in rats

Tounes Saidi, Marie Audrey I. Kautzmann, David Hicks

Abstract :

<p> Cadmium (Cd) is a highly toxic environmental heavy metal. Thus, the effects of Cd in human and animal eyes are still under investigations. Adult male rats were divided into two groups: the first group received 200 µg Cd/L in their drinking water and 3.10-5 µg/kg of Cd in their food for five weeks; the second group (a control group) received regular water and standard rat chow in an identical manner.After five weeks, Cd levels were measured in retina using graphite-furnace-spectrophotometry, with values normalized to protein levels. Immunohistochemistry and western blot analysis were performed to assess the structural effects of Cd on all retinal layers. Higher Cd levels were found in the neural retina of cadmium treated animals compared to controls. Cd induced statistically significant decreases in retinal cell layers thickness and density. Cone photoreceptors were particularly affected, with reduced expression of cone opsins. Apoptotic nuclei were observed in all retinal layers of Cd treated animals. The retinal exposure to Cd caused structural changes and apoptotic effect in rat retinal layers after 5 weeks of CdCl2 treatment.</p>

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Tounes Saidi, Marie-Audrey I. Kautzmann, David Hicks Structural changes and retinal cell layers damages induced by CdCl2 treatment in rats Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol.5, Issue : 6 JUNE 2016

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