Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016

Speed Control of Induction Motor Using Vector Control Method

Satish Chand Modi, Dr. Rajeev K. Chaturvedi

Abstract :

 Now a day in most of the industrial automation applications, the induction motors is widely used represent the starting point when an electrical automation drive system is to be designed. In modern control system, the motor is described by different mathematical modelling theory’s, according to that control system method. In this symmetrical 3 phase version or in the unsymmetrical 2 phase version, this electrical motor type can be associated with vector control strategy. Through this control method, the induction motor operation can be analysed in a similar way to a DC motor. The goal of this research is to give summarize the existing control models and to develop new control models, in order to obtain a unified approach on modelling of the induction machines for vector control purposes. Starting from vector control principles, the work suggests the p-q axes unified approach for all types of the induction motors. However, the space vector analysis is presented as a strong tool in modelling of the symmetrical induction machines. When an electrical induction motor is viewed as a mathematical control system, with inputs and outputs, it can be analysed and described in multiple ways, considering different reference frames and state-space variables. All the mathematical possible models are illustrated in this paper.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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Satish Chand Modi, Dr. Rajeev K. Chaturvedi Speed Control of Induction Motor Using Vector Control Method Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume-5, Issue-10, October‾2016

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