Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Spectrum of Cervical Lesions on Pap test screening in Gwalior Region: A One Year Retrospective Study

Dr. Reena Jain, Dr. Lokesh Tripathi, Dr. Rajesh Gaur

Abstract :

Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women constituting about 15% of all cancers in women worldwide. 80% of all the cases of cervical cancer occur in developing countries. Worldwide, cervical cancer is the 2nd most common cancer in women and the third most frequent cause of cancer deaths. Since the development and proper implementation of pap smear screening for cervical lesion the scenario has been changed worldwide as well as in India. Present study was designed to estimate the scenario of cervical lesion in Gwalior Region by the help of pap test. Total 5566 smears were examined with 98.6% satisfactory smear , having maximum cases of 21-30 yrs age group. Of the total cases studied, NILM far exceeds the ECA. Total 08 cases of Squamous cell Carcinoma detected during our one year retrospective study

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Dr. Reena Jain, Dr. Lokesh Tripathi, Dr. Rajesh Gaur Spectrum of Cervical Lesions on Pap test screening in Gwalior Region: A One Year Retrospective Study Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 9 September 2015

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