Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2016

Some new reports of Insect associated mites from West Bengal

Souradip Roy, Dr. Salil K. Gupta, Dr. Nirmal Debnath

Abstract :

 Some new records of mites associated with insects (Order: Diptera,Hymenoptera, Orthoptera) from West Bengal are given in this communication. Eighteen species of mites belonging to 12 families , 3 orders, collected from, Narendrapur campus and adjoining areas, South 24 Parganas, West Bengal are reported here giving collection data , status, importance, if any

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Souradip Roy, Dr. Salil K. Gupta, Dr. Nirmal Debnath Some new reports of Insect associated mites from West Bengal Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol.5, Issue : 6 JUNE 2016

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