Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016

Smart City Approach: Challenges and Opportunities

Dr. Trilochan Sharma

Abstract :

 In this paper, we focused on rudiments of what constitutes a smart city which we define as a sustainable building city in which ICT is merged with traditional infrastructures, coordinated and integrated using new digital technologies. These technologies establish the functions of the city and also provide ways in which citizen groups, governments, businesses, and several agencies that have an interest in generating more efficient and equitable systems can interact in augmenting their understanding of the city and also providing essential engagement in the design and planning process. Sustainable building also known as green construction or Green building refers to both a structure and the using of processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building‘s life-cycle: from siting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition. Smart cities are often pictured as constellations of instruments across many scales that are connected through multiple networks which provide continuous data regarding the movements of people and materials in terms of the flow of decisions about the physical and social form of the city. Cities however can only be smart if there are intelligence functions that are able to integrate and synthesize this data to some purpose, ways of improving the efficiency, equity, sustainability and quality of life in cities. We will focus directly on ways in which this infrastructure can be integrated, how the data that are being collected can be mined, how services delivered by traditional means can be organized and delivered much more efficiently using these new technologies, all part of the idea of the Planetary Nervous System that is central to our proposal. In this paper we set out the enormous challenges facing cities, the size of the opportunity afforded by the focus being given, worldwide, to addressing those challenges by transforming city infrastructures and city systems, and the key actions needed to seize those opportunities.

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Dr. Trilochan Sharma Smart City Approach: Challenges and Opportunities Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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