Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2018

Single Blinded Case Control Study on Salt Taste Threshold Perception in Hypertensive Patients

N. Kannan, Rakesh Kumar Manne, P. V. Sarath, Swapna Sridevi B. , Bhargavi Nellore, Adarsh Anamula, Sudeepthi Pulimi, Mercy Sravanthi, Aneesa Nasreen, Havilah P.

Abstract :

 Background: Hypertension is a common chronic medical condition affecting majority of the population.

Hypertensive patients are usually advised to take salt free diet or diet with minimal salt concentration. Many of the
anti hypertensive’s act by lowering the sodium levels in the body. A few studies have suggested that there is a lowering of taste threshold for
1 salty taste in the hypertensive patients . Our study was intended to assess whether there is any actual change in the threshold for salt taste
in the hypertensive patients as compared with the healthy controls.
Study Design: This single blinded case control study was carried out among 20 hypertensive patients and 20 healthy controls. Taste
threshold was measured using different concentrations of sodium chloride solution. Each individual was asked to rinse mouth with 3 cc of
sodium chloride solution for 30 seconds. The 􀃶nal concentration at which patient was able to perceive the taste was recorded.
Results: The results showed that hypertensive patients (3.05±0.51) showed a signiô€ƒ¶cantly higher tasting ability for salt in concentrations
(0.1, 0.32)(pË‚0.0001) than in non-hypertensive individuals(2.15±0.37).
There was no statistically signi􀃶cant difference between age and sex to salty taste threshold (p>0.05) between hypertensive patients and
Conclusion: Salt taste perception threshold was found to be elevated in hypertensive patients compared to controls. Our study 􀃶ndings
suggests that the hypertensive patients need to be more careful in their selection of dietary intake as there maybe taste alterations
impairing their ability to assess the salt in the food.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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N.Kannan, Rakesh Kumar Manne, P.V.Sarath, Swapna Sridevi B., Bhargavi Nellore, Adarsh Anamula, Sudeepthi Pulimi, Mercy Sravanthi, Aneesa Nasreen, Havilah P., Single Blinded Case Control Study on Salt Taste Threshold Perception in Hypertensive Patients, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-6 | June-2018

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