Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2016


Neha Elizabath Emmanuel

Abstract :

 Possession of gold has been a symbol of prosperity in India and is considered a safest form of investment that provides hedge against inflation. Gold has always been a highly coveted product not only in the form of jewellery, gold bars or bullion, but also has the ready acceptability as collateral for the lenders because of its high liquidity character. According to an estimate of World Gold Council, about 10 per cent of world’s gold is in India’s possession. Accumulated Gold stock in India is around 18,000 to 19,000 tonnes as per independent estimates. During 2002-2012, annual gold demand has remained relatively stable at around between 700 to 900 tonnes despite the rise in prices from Rs. 13,333 to Rs. 86,958 per troy ounce (as on May 25, 2012). In India, the demand for gold has not been adversely impacted by rising prices

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Neha Elizabath Emmanuel SIGNIFICANCE OF THE INDIAN GOLD LOAN MARKET Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue : 3 March 2016

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