Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2016
Selfie: An Infectious Gift of IT to Modern Society
Rashi Gupta, Ms. Pooja
Abstract :
The purpose of this paper is to explore how the ‘Selfie’ culture is deep rooted in the modern society. It begins with ief history of selfie moving on to why people click selfie? Further it focuses on the question, how this photography technique impact on the modern society in negative ways. In the end few remedies have also been suggested for society.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Rashi Gupta, Ms. Pooja Selfie: An Infectious Gift of IT to Modern Society Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue: 1 January 2016
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Rashi Gupta, Ms. Pooja Selfie: An Infectious Gift of IT to Modern Society Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue: 1 January 2016