Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018

Seamus Heaney: Critical Reception

Arindam Ghosh

Abstract :

In this article I explored the critical attention that Seamus Heaney got throughout his career. In this way we shall be able to gauze the progress of Heaney as a poet. In his early career he was reviewed as a simple bucolic poet of pastoral tradition. He was supposedly carrying forward the tradition of Wordsworth and Hardy. His primary focus was to present the simple bucolic nature images which will be mark of the agriculture based cultural heritage of his forefathers. But latter on he was very much disturbed by the nationalistic propaganda and the fractional feud going on in his country. This propelled him to explore the suitable objective correlatives in the realm of the violent and pristine natural forces. Along with this his interest was moving more towards the human domain and man’s society. Nature appeared with its intrinsic value but not without its relation to the human world. The mature Heaney however managed to balance between these two objectives and truly advocated the cause both of human society and the natural world.

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Arindam Ghosh, Seamus Heaney: Critical Reception, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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