Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018
Sciencitific review of children's immunity through Ayurveda
Dr. Neeraj Kumar Tripathi, Dr. Beena Tiwari
Abstract :
In the Ayurveda the immunity is dened with the name of Vyadhikshamatva. It is very important factor for better
wellbeing in total span of life. Children with good immunity survive whole life without suffering of many infective
and non infective diseases. In Ayurveda a procedure at time of birth recommended for the enhancement of immunity in infants is known as
[1] [2] Jatakarma and the other one well known less practiced procedure Swarna Prashana indicated up to the six month . In present era is a era
of urbanization and globalization with fast growing economy, exponentially increase in the poor quality immunity and health; as our data
showing diseases growing and infectious entity becoming stronger day by day. We are developing immunity booster specic to diseases
and specic to infective organism. These organisms are Kamaroopi (pleomorphic) in nature. They has to power changes their self according
to the atmosphere, it leads to the failure of vaccination and immunity booster technique of specic immunity. Every year unknown viruses
and bacteria are coming to create endemic to epidemic hazards. The medical science achieved great development in life supporting
technique, quarantine and medication by which we are capable to decrease the mortality but unable to control on incident, episode of
disease and morbidity. Now the point is coming to develop immunity in total in place of specic immunity. The ancient Ayurvedic science is
working on the concept of single body of single mind it improves health and immunity in total. These Ayurvedic concepts should be utilised
to improve the health of forthcoming generation for betterment of their immunity and decrease burden of disease (BOD).
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr. Neeraj Kumar Tripathi, Dr. Beena Tiwari, Sciencitific review of children's immunity through Ayurveda, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018
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Dr. Neeraj Kumar Tripathi, Dr. Beena Tiwari, Sciencitific review of children's immunity through Ayurveda, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018