Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2017

Safety and comfort of levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device (Jaydess): Results of a Spanish population survey.

Eric Saucedo De La Llata, Mar A Rosa Moraga S Nchez, Alberto Romeu Sarri , Miriam Mench N L Pez, Israel Obed Carmona Ruiz

Abstract :

 Objective. To assess the safety, comfort and satisfaction with the use and continuation of LNG-IUS in our population. Material and method. A prospective observational study conducted at a private clinic of gynecology, obstetric and reproductive medicine services. All healthy women aged 18-40 years old with regular menses requesting contraception were recruited. Participants who decided to use the LNG-IUS were included. A survey was given and complimented at 1 week, 1 month, 6 months and a year after placement of the LNG-IUS. A different survey was filled in case of retirement of the LNG-IUS. Results. A total of 114 women participated in the study. After a whole year of use, 95% of women were satisfied of choosing the LNG-IUS as their contraceptive method and more than 90% of all women stated that they wouldn’t choose other contraceptive method with a 95% of women willing to recommend its use. Conclusion. The LNG-IUS is a good and safety option for contraceptive method in women despite their parity and age.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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Eric Saucedo de la Llata, María Rosa Moraga Sánchez, Alberto Romeu Sarrió, Miriam Menchón López, Israel Obed Carmona Ruiz, Safety and comfort of levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device (Jaydess): Results of a Spanish population survey., GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017

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