Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2015
Dr. Kannan
Abstract :
There are no universally accepted approaches to rural development. It is a choice influenced by time, space and culture. The term rural development connotes overall development of rural areas to improve the quality of life of rural people. In this sense, it is a comprehensive and multidimensional concept, and encompasses the development of agriculture and allied activities, village and cottage industries and crafts, socio-economic infrastructure, community services and facilities and, above all, human resources in rural areas. As a phenomenon, rural development is the end-result of interactions between various physical, technological, economic, social, cultural and institutional factors. As a strategy, it is designed to improve the economic and social wellbeing of a specific group of people – the rural poor. As a discipline, it is multi-disciplinary in nature, representing an intersection of agriculture, social, behavioural, engineering and management sciences (Katar Singh 1999). Rural development has always been an important issue in all discussions pertaining to economic development, especially of developing countries, throughout the world. In the developing countries and some formerly communist societies, rural mass comprise a substantial majority of the population. Over 3.5 billion people live in the Asia and Pacific region and some 63% of them in rural areas. Although millions of rural people have escaped poverty as a result of rural development in many Asian countries, a large majority of rural people continue to suffer from persistent poverty. The socio-economic disparities between rural and urban areas are widening and creating tremendous pressure on the social and economic faic of many developing Asian economies.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr. KANNAN Rural Development Is the Tool for Nation Building in India –
Some Realities Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 10 October 2015
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Dr. KANNAN Rural Development Is the Tool for Nation Building in India – Some Realities Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 10 October 2015