Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016
Role of Maashbala taila in the management of Kampavaat with special reference to Parkinson’s Disease.
Dr. Rajender Kumar Soni, Dr. Subash Sahu
Abstract :
To study the role of Maashbala taila in the management of kampavaat with special reference to Parkinson’s Disease, randomly 30 patients were selected and divided into two groups (15 patients in each group ) for the study. Maashbala taila was administered as paan in Group- A for 20 days and as nasya and basti in Group- B for 15days. The study revealed that Maashbala taila used as nasya and basti (Group- B) showed better effect in comparison to paan(Group -A).
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr.Rajender Kumar Soni, Dr.Subash Sahu Role of Maashbala taila in the management of Kampavaat with special reference to Parkinson¥s Disease. Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume-5, Issue-10, October‾2016
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Dr.Rajender Kumar Soni, Dr.Subash Sahu Role of Maashbala taila in the management of Kampavaat with special reference to Parkinson¥s Disease. Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume-5, Issue-10, October‾2016