Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015

Risk factor profile and Coronary artery disease pattern in young adults from Western part of India.

Dr. Dhara R Karelia, Dr. Vishal Niyatra

Abstract :

Background : upcoming epidemiological studies point towards increasing incidence of coronary artery disease(CAD) along with earlier occurrence of the disease affecting the person in their prime time of life. We must be aware of this trends and should search for the specific reason for this occurrence. Objective : The aim of the present study is to identify the presence of conventional and newer novel risk factors ( hs–CRP, Homocysteine ) among the young CAD patients and compare their risk factors with the coronary angiography(CAG) findings. Materials and Methods : conventional and newer biomarkers of CAD were collected for all young patients presenting with acute coronary syndrome and their coronary angiographic study results were collected. Analysis of the risk factors parameters and CAG results were done, to compare this with the general population Results : out of 152, 138 were male. Hypertension and Diabetes were 10.5% and 11.8% respectively. very high number of patients were Smoker 80% . only 42% patients had their BMI within normal limit. Cholesterol and LDL level were not significantly high. STEMI was the major presenting pattern with angiography showing single vessel disease and single lesion pattern higher in number Conclusions: There is an increasing trend towards development of CAD in younger population with the trend towards less prevalent diabetes and hypertension and significant positive association with the smoking. Young CAD patients tend to present more frequently with ST elevation MI and more likely to have single vessel disease on CAG.

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Dr. Dhara R Karelia, Dr. Vishal Niyatra Risk factor profile and Coronary artery disease pattern in young adults from Western part of India. Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 1 January 2015

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