Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016

Reliable Communication using FEC in Wireless Sensor Network

Surabhi Gupta, Vaishali Baste

Abstract :

 Wireless Sensor Networks spend more energy in communication as compared to computation and storage cost. When the nodes in the same sensing region transmit the similar information to the base station then the overlapping of the sensing regions is higher. This will lead to loss in energy. Redundancy in such systems is high. To reduce this effect new techniques and algorithms are need to be designed. Forward erasure coding (FEC) technique is applied for loss recovery. Results show that the proposed system will increase the network lifetime by controlling the redundancy.

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Surabhi Gupta, Vaishali Baste Reliable Communication using FEC in Wireless Sensor Network Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume-5, Issue-10, October‾2016

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