Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016


Dr. H. Nanjegowda, Prof. Manjunatha. V

Abstract :

 The biggest challenge facing the software corporate houses these days is not attracting the prospective employee but retaining the talent. Liberalization, gradual decontrol, opening up of various sectors to the multiplayer regime and enormous technological intervention has shifted the dynamics of employee market. The employee, the ‘internal customer‘ has now an all time expectation because of alternative jobs availability. Despite offering competitive remuneration across the board, the software companies have been overwhelmed with the growing list of left-out employees. A reduction in the number of employees through retirement, resignation or death is the simplest interpretation of attrition. But in the practical sense the issue is not so straight. With attrition becoming the bane of software companies across the world, it is strange that many organisations neither measure costs associated with attrition nor have specific targets or plans to reduce them. In this context employee attrition needs to be recognized as a mounting problem which requires a careful analysis in the area of human resource management.

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Dr. H. Nanjegowda, Prof. Manjunatha.V REASONS FOR EMPLOYEE ATTRITION IN SOFTWARE COMPANIES – AN ANALYTICAL STUDY Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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