Volume : VII, Issue : I, January - 2018

Raising Social Issues in the Short Stories of Anton Chekhov

Rashmi Priya, Prof Dr A K Bachchan

Abstract :

  Anton Chekhov started writing short stories in the form of anecdotes. He developed the technique of the stream of consciousness in his stories, later adopted by James Joyce, Virginia Woolf and many others.   His stories show that no matter how meticulously we go through the characters, the human condition remains mysterious. Chekov was a practising doctor, an environmentalist, a researcher and a philanthropist. Many modern short story writers believe Chekhov to be the originator of the modern short story. Raymond Carver  believed that Chekhov was the greatest of all short story writers.  His stories deal with different shades of human psychology in different conditions. These stories  include “Bet”, “The Lottery Ticket”, Lady with the Lapdog”, “Husband”, “Excellent People”, “Fat and Thin”. Chekhov’s stories are as wonderful and significant today as when they first appeared.

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Rashmi Priya, Prof (Dr) A K Bachchan, Raising Social Issues in the Short Stories of Anton Chekhov, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-7, ISSUE-1, JANUARY-2018

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