Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Rainwater harvesting in the Heritage buildings: A case study of Victoria Memorial Hall, Kolkata

Dr. Anadi Gayen, Amlanjyoti Kar

Abstract :

Owing to environmental hazards caused by over pumping of groundwater inside Victoria Memorial Hall (VMH) campus led the VMH authority to seal all the tube wells and Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) was directed to supply the required quantity of water to VMH. On the issue of water level decline (5- 15 cm/yr) in KMC area including that of the VMH campus, Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) has carried out a detailed study in the campus and advocated artificial recharge of groundwater at VMH. As a possible recharge source, the surplus water from the lakes was considered. Presence of deleterious compound and coliform bacteria hindered the option of artificial recharge from lake water. Hence, rainwater harvesting has found out the alternative option to solve the water problem. Rainwater harvesting in VMH through a specially designed structures was ruled out in view of handicapping stability and the aesthetic beauty of the monument site. The problem was addressed through the studies include assessment of optimal rainwater harvesting tapping the surplus rainfall runoff. The study also revealed the presence of unique inbuilt rainwater harvesting arrangement in VMH. The recommended design would help to store 8 lakh litres rainwater in the harvesting tank of water, which is equivalent to the volume of water that KMC supplies to VMH every day.

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Dr. Anadi Gayen, Amlanjyoti Kar Rainwater Harvesting in the Heritage Buildings: A Case Study of Victoria Memorial Hall, Kolkata Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 9 September 2015

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