Volume : VIII, Issue : VII, July - 2019

Quantification of Umbilical cord milking

Srikanth S. Bhat, Vinay Kumar S, B S Prasad, Nk Kalappanavar

Abstract :

Delayed cord clamping (DCC) is recommended for premature infants to improve blood volume. An alternative to DCC is umbilical cord milking (UCM), or stripping, in which blood is pushed toward the infant several times before it is clamped to autoicous blood into the neonate. Aims & Objectives: 1. Estimate the amount of blood per unit length of the Umbilical cord. 2. Effectiveness of Umbilical cord milking. Materials and Methods: Infants born in SSIMS-RC, Davangere, Karnataka between Dec 2015 to Feb2016 are taken into study. One hundred eleven newborns are analyzed. The Umbilical cord is milked after clamping and the amount of blood present quantified. Statistical analysis was done using the Mann Whitney U test. A P value of less than 0.05 was considered significant. Results: Amount of blood obtained from Umbilical cord milking is negligible even if there is a statistically significant difference between primigravida and multigravida. The average blood per unit length in a centimeter of Umbilical cord from the entire sample was 0.16ml/cm. Conclusion: The quantity of blood expected from umbilical cord milking after cutting (CUCM) is negligible and unlikely to improve the hemodynamic or hematological parameters of the infant. Umbilical cord milking is unlikely to improve the iron status in infants or help in their growth. Umbilical cord milking cannot be an alternative for delayed cord clamping. Metacentric and large sample study required to give recommendations on umbilical cord milking (CUCM).

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QUANTIFICATION OF UMBILICAL CORD MILKING, Srikanth S. Bhat, Vinay Kumar S, B S Prasad, NK Kalappanavar GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-8 | Issue-7 | July-2019

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