Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2017
Quality of Life Related to Health in Workers.
Martha Cecilia Villaveces L Pez, Alejandra Moys N Chimal, Patricia Balc Zar Nava, Julieta Garay L Pez
Abstract :
Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) is considered as the level of satisfaction that a person has when making and assessment about the aspects of their life related with the effects on their health. The purpose of this paper was to identify the (HRQL) in women and men that work in the State of Mexico, through the questioner SF-36 (Short Form 36 Health Survey) which was applied to 726 people with a paying job; 441 men and 285 women; who participated voluntarily in the study. The results show that workers in general have a good state of health, but when compared by sex, there are statistically significant differences in the physical function, the emotional role, body aches and health in general. The higher scores were found to be in men, suggesting that in terms of health, men have a better bill of health than women.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Martha Cecilia Villaveces López, Alejandra Moysén Chimal, Patricia Balcázar Nava, Julieta Garay López, Quality of Life Related to Health in Workers., GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE‾7 | JULY -2017
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Martha Cecilia Villaveces López, Alejandra Moysén Chimal, Patricia Balcázar Nava, Julieta Garay López, Quality of Life Related to Health in Workers., GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE‾7 | JULY -2017