Volume : IV, Issue : VII, July - 2015


Delian P. Delev

Abstract :

Introduction: The most undesired reaction at testosterone therapy is the potential risk of induction of clinically manifested prostate disease. Most, but not all of the thorough studies don’t find statistically significant relation between the endogenic level of testosterone and the development of BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia) and prostate cancer. In some tests the levels of serum PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) are slightly increased, but in the normal borders (below 4 ng/ ml). The potential benefits and the possible risks at the testosterone replacement therapy of aged men must be juxtaposed. They are based mostly upon clinical studies over the effects of testosterone replacement in a lot of androgen deficient hypogonadial men, and upon scarce number of control trials with aged men and experimental models. Aim: To study the dynamics in the levels of serum testosterone and PSA during replacement therapy with testosterone propionate in dose 4 and 8 mg/kg body weight (BW). Material and method: Orchiectomized, sham operated and aged male rats were used, in a condition of acute and chronic treatment (15 days, 15 weeks). The levels of serum testosterone and PSA were prosecuted. Results and discussion: Testosterone propionate, applied on rats with androgen deficiency at 8mg/kg BW dose restores the physiologic levels of the total testosterone does not change the values of PSA. The supplementation with testosterone propionate increased its levels with significance at the higher dose. A rise in the serum levels of testosterone is also observed at the aged male rats, as a result of the application of its propionate salt. Significance resulted from the chronic use of dose 8 mg/kg BW. Conclusion: The results of the current experimental studies show that, both at orchiectomized and at aged male rats the application of testosterone propionate for 15 days or 15 weeks doesn’t change the level of PSA towards controls. Furthermore-in all the tested animals its value is zero.

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Delian P. Delev Prostate Specific Antigen Levels in Animal Model of Andropause Undergoing Testosterone Propionate Replacement Therapy – Experimental Study Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 7 July 2015

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