Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015
Prospective Science Teachers' Declarative Knowledge about Newton's Laws of Motion
Ismail Yilmaz
Abstract :
<p>&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;This study identified prospective science teachers&amp;rsquo; declarative knowledge about Newton&amp;rsquo;s laws of motion through&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;div&gt;quantitative and qualitative assessments. Their declarative knowledge was regarded as a contributor that might have&amp;nbsp;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;div&gt;an effect on their knowledge levels, achievement levels, and achievement scores. The contributors that might have an&amp;nbsp;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;div&gt;effect on their achievement scores were divided into two categories, namely, variables and factors. Their achievement level measured by their&amp;nbsp;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;div&gt;responses to the questions about their declarative knowledge varied between 43% and 45%, whereas their knowledge level varied from 12% and&amp;nbsp;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;div&gt;34%. Thus, their achievement level did not represent their knowledge level. It can be argued that foresight is more influential than variables in&amp;nbsp;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;div&gt;answering questions about one&amp;rsquo;s declarative knowledge.&lt;/div&gt;</p>
Keywords :
Declarative knowledge students’ knowledge and achievement levels variables in achievement factors in achievemen
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Ismail Yılmaz Prospective Science Teachers’ Declarative Knowledge about Newton’s Laws of Motion Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vo
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Ismail Yılmaz Prospective Science Teachers’ Declarative Knowledge about Newton’s Laws of Motion Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vo