Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2017

Procrastination, Test Anxiety and Academic Achievement

Dr. Indu, H

Abstract :

 The study examined the Test anxiety and its relation to Procrastination and Academic achievement of student teachers of two different districts of Tamil Nadu namely Coimbatore and Kanyakumari. The study noted that Procrastination is related positively to Test anxiety and is not related to student teachers‘ academic performance. The researcher raised two research questions and formulated two research hypotheses to guide the study. It was also found that majority of the student teachers were possessing moderate level of Procrastination and Test anxiety. The researcher concluded that Procrastination leads to Test anxiety which in turn can affect the student teachers performance.

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Dr.Indu,H, Procrastination, Test Anxiety and Academic Achievement, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-4, April‾2017

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