Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2017

Problems of patients after traumatic brain injury: A cross sectional study

Deepa M, Dr. Suvarnalatha

Abstract :

 A Descriptivestudy was conducted to identifyproblems of the patients after traumaticain injury attending the neuro out-patient department, Ananthapuri hospitals and research institute, Trivandrum among selected 60 patients attendingneuro out-patient department, by using convenient sampling technique. An interview was conducted toidentify the problems of the patients after traumatic ain injury. The study findingssuggests that the cognitive problems of patients have significant association (p < 0.01)with the GCS score at admission, the physical problems have shown difference oncomputation but, no significant statistical association was found with the GCS scoreof patients at admission.Problems after traumatic ain injury are more among severe traumatic ain injurypatients than in mild and moderate traumatic ain injury. In conclusion, the studyshowed that traumatic ain injury is more among males and the patients are sufferingfrom cognitive, physical and psychosocial problems after traumatic ain injury.

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Deepa M, Dr. Suvarnalatha, Problems of patients after traumatic brain injury: A cross sectional study, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-3, March‾2017

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