Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2015


T. Balasubramanian, Dr. B. Saminathan

Abstract :

The achievement and the benefits of science touch all sectors and all levels of the modern society. Physics is playing a major role in the present age to satisfy the needs and desires of the people and it has also become one of the major human activities. Physics lies at the heart of sciences. The aim of physics teaching is acquisition of information and skills and to attain understanding of the relationship which relates the answer to the problem. The task of teaching learning of physics at the higher secondary level has become more complex. Thus most of the rules and procedures of mathematics are directly applicable to the understanding of physics. The present study has been focus to identify the problems of physics students in learning and rectify the same by giving suggestions to them at higher secondary level. The study is carried out on a sample of 250 higher secondary students who are studying physics as one of the subject in the Karur district of Tamilnadu, India. The findings revealed that the higher secondary students facing more and higher level problems in learning physics concepts; there was no significant difference in experiencing problems in learning physics in terms of their studying class(Standard XI and XII) and locality, but they were significantly differs in gender and nature of school.

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T.Balasubramanian, Dr.B.Saminathan Problems Encountered by Higher Secondary Students in Learning Physics Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 10 October 2015

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