Volume : VIII, Issue : XI, November - 2019
Dr. V. C. Singel, Dr. Jitendra H. Parikh, Dr. Swansu Batra, Dr. Sangita Malaviya, Dr. Krunal Patel
Abstract :
Cold agglutinin disease is a rare form of autoimmune hemolytic anemia caused by cold reacting autoantibodies directing against the RBC memane antigens . Majority of cases of Cold agglutinin disease are secondary to infections , autoimmune diseases and Lymphoproliferative disorders . Primary cold agglutinin disease is extremely rare with estimated Incidence of 1 per million and prevalence of 16 per million with the mean age of presentation being 67 years . A high index of suspicion and meticulous work up is required for diagnosis of primary cold agglutinin disease . Hereby , we aim to discuss a case of Primary cold agglutinin disease presented at adolescent age and it’s management
Keywords :
Cold agglutinins Direct Coomb’s test Antibody Titre Antibody Specificity Complement Pathway Anemia Immunosupressants.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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PRIMARY COLD AGGLUTININ DISEASE IN ADOLESCENT AGE‾A RARE PRESENTATION, Dr. V.C.Singel, Dr. Jitendra H. Parikh, Dr. Swansu Batra, Dr. Sangita Malaviya, Dr. Krunal Patel GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-8 | Issue-11 | November-2019
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PRIMARY COLD AGGLUTININ DISEASE IN ADOLESCENT AGE‾A RARE PRESENTATION, Dr. V.C.Singel, Dr. Jitendra H. Parikh, Dr. Swansu Batra, Dr. Sangita Malaviya, Dr. Krunal Patel GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-8 | Issue-11 | November-2019