Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016

Prevention of urinary catheter induced infection in accordance with Evidence Based Practice

Prof. Seema. Singh, Ms. Alka. Patil, Ms. Anju. Madame

Abstract :

 Background: Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection is currently one of the most common infections and comprises 40% of all institutionally acquired infections. Studies have indicated that nurses’ lack in evidence based knowledge to deliver proper care. A prior survey conducted on nurses working in surgery wards revealed that urinary catheter care practices varied and highlighted the need for improvement of urinary catheter care. This triggered us to embark on an evidence based project on prevention of urinary catheter induced infection to improve patients’ health during their hospitalization. The Evidence Based Practice (EBP) process was used as working method for the changes. One teacher and two clinical nurses had the role of facilitators in order to promote the improvement in nursing practice. Aim: To assess the existing practices, develop evidence based norms, and investigate effects and hinders for implementation of evidence based practice for prevention of urinary catheter induced infections. Objectives: Method: A baseline measurement was performed to check the current practice in regard urinary catheter care. Ten nurses were observed in practice and answered questions with focus on procedures, routines, attitudes and knowledge related to urinary catheter care. Based on research findings new routines were implemented on the wards in November 2012. The teacher facilitator trained the nurse facilitators about new routines; where after the nurse facilitators trained the fellow nurses in the wards. During the implementation phase the staff nurses were continuously supported by the facilitators. Follow up measurements were performed in June 2013, including 20 nurses and 10 patients. Finding: Overall improvement of knowledge regarding on urinary catheter care of nurses was from44.2% to 88%. The nurses’ attitudes to urinary catheter care improved from 30% to 97.6%. Also nurses’ job-satisfaction improved (50% to 95%). The nurses’ skills of doing procedure systematically and in accordance with EBP improved from 39.1 in pretest to 99.7 % pretest. No sign of infection was found, like no pain/burning related to urinating was reported from the patients. Feedback reports of the patients show 100% satisfaction regarding care given by nurses. Conclusion & implications for clinical nursing: This study reveals that urinary catheter care in male surgery ward based on evidence based practice had positive outcome for the quality of care, the patients’ satisfaction, and nurses’ satisfaction.

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Prof. Seema. Singh, Ms. Alka. Patil, Ms. Anju. Madame Prevention of urinary catheter induced infection in accordance with Evidence Based Practice Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume-5, Issue-10, October‾2016

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