Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2017

Prevalenceof Papillary carcinoma thyroid in patients with toxic goitre-A descriptive study in a tertiary care centre

Dr. S. Sivaprasad, Dr. Jayan Stephen, Dr. A. S. Feisal Assim

Abstract :

 A descriptive study was conducted at government medical college Trivandrum to determine the prevalence of papillary carcinoma thyroid in thyroidectomy specimens of toxic goitre patients, which is thought to be on a rising trend. It also aims to find the associated pathologies which predispose to papillary carcinoma in the thyroidectomy specimens.A total of 735 patients with toxic nodular goitre were evaluated using FNAC thyroid, Ultrasonogram thyroid and histopathological examination of the specimen after total thyroidectomy. 31 of the total 735 patients who underwent thyroidectomy of toxic nodular goitre had papillary carcinoma thyroid. Thus, 4.2% of toxic nodular goitre are papillary carcinoma thyroid, 5% of the 31 papillary carcinoma thyroid patients in the study had histologically positive cervical lymph node metastases.77.4% of the Papillary Carcinoma Thyroid patients with toxic nodular goitre had associated lymphocytic thyroiditis.Of the 31 patients with papillary carcinoma thyroid, 24 (77.4%) had associated lymphocytic thyroiditis on histopathological examination, whereas only 18(2.6%) of patients without papillary carcinoma thyroid, have histopathological evidence of lymphocytic thyroiditis. Thus, there is a significant association between lymphocytic thyroiditis and papillary carcinoma thyroid in patients developing toxic nodular goitres.

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Dr. S. Sivaprasad, Dr. Jayan Stephen, Dr. A. S. Feisal Assim, Prevalenceof Papillary carcinoma thyroid in patients with toxic goitre-A descriptive study in a tertiary care centre, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-2, February‾2017

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