Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018
Prevalence of HIV infection among the prison inmates in West Bengal
Dr. Suman Ganguly, Dr. Dipendra Narayan Goswami, Dr. Debjit Chakraborty, Sumita Samanta, Jaydip Jana
Abstract :
Background Prison inmatess are at especially high risk of HIV infections as a consequence of risk factors that are in
play both before incarceration and once in prison where there are frequent opportunities for further transmission
to the other prison inmates. This is most likely due to indulgence to risk behaviour like homosexuality and injecting drug user.
Objective: To compare HIV prevalence among the prison inmates of West Bengal with HIV prevalence of general population in the state
taking HIV prevalence of the pregnant women as proxy indicators and also to compare with at risk non pregnant general individual.
Methods: HIV testing was carried out for prison inmates for randomly sampled prisons in the state of West Bengal during 2016-17 and the
positivity was compared with HIV positivity among the pregnant women (proxy indicators for HIV positivity among general population)
from the program data using odd ratios, upper and lower level of condence intervals and P values. The positivity among the prison inmates
was also compared with positivity data for the same period for non pregnant general individuals who are considered at risk.
Results: HIV positivity for prison inmates was found to be signicantly higher (0.62 per 100) compared to HIV positivity in general
population (0.02 per 100) in West Bengal. The difference between positivity among the general population at risk (0.79 per 100) and that of
prison inmates does not show any signicance.
Conclusion: HIV positivity among the prison inmates is signicantly higher than general population and comparable with at risk non
pregnant general individuals. Therefore, HIV prevention services need to be strengthened at prison level.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr. Suman Ganguly, Dr. Dipendra Narayan Goswami, Dr. Debjit Chakraborty, Sumita Samanta, Jaydip Jana, Prevalence of HIV infection among the prison inmates in West Bengal, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018
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Dr. Suman Ganguly, Dr. Dipendra Narayan Goswami, Dr. Debjit Chakraborty, Sumita Samanta, Jaydip Jana, Prevalence of HIV infection among the prison inmates in West Bengal, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018