Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018
Prevalence of Alcoholism among tribals of Jharkhand with Chest discomfort
Dr. Leo Minkan Khoya, Dr. Anima Ranjni Xalxo, Dr. Alok Praveen Ekka,
Abstract :
AIMS: Cross sectional observational comparative study in a tertiary care hospital on “Prevalence of Alcoholism
among tribals of Jharkhand with Chest discomfort”.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: 102 tribal subjects (53 male and 49 female) from Jharkhand, India were selected for the study, who had
presented with chest discomfort with history of alcoholism.
RESULTS: The prevalence rate of Alcoholism among tribal males, 71.69% were moderate drinkers, 18.86% were heavy drinkers. Whereas
among tribal females 57.14% were moderate drinkers and 10.20% were heavy drinkers.
CONCLUSION: The prevalence of Alcoholism among tribal patients of chest discomfort was found to be 50% and 39.21% among male and
female tribal’s of Jharkhand, India respectively.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr. Leo Minkan Khoya, Dr. Anima Ranjni Xalxo, Dr. Alok Praveen Ekka, , Prevalence of Alcoholism among tribals of Jharkhand with Chest discomfort, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018
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Dr. Leo Minkan Khoya, Dr. Anima Ranjni Xalxo, Dr. Alok Praveen Ekka, , Prevalence of Alcoholism among tribals of Jharkhand with Chest discomfort, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018