Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2016

Prevalence, Microbial Profile and Antimicrobial Sensitivity Pattern of Pathogens isolated from Paediatric Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Eastern India

Dr. Rina Das, Dr. Bimal Kumar Mandal

Abstract :

 Background : A prospective study was conducted at a tertiary care centre in Kolkata, with the aim of finding the profile of the pediatric urinary tract infection, bacterial pathogens and their antibiotic sensitivity pattern. Materials & methods: Urine sample of 642 patients, below 14 years, suspected to have urinary tract infection (UTI) were tested, bacterial agents were identified by semi-quantitative urine culture and antibiotic sensitivity was performed according Clinical laboratory standard institute (CLSI) guideline. Results: Out of 642 samples, 138(21.5%) showed significant bacteriuria where female:male 1.16:1. Among isolates E. coli (34.78%) followed by Klebsiella (31.88%). These agents were most sensitive to Imipenem(79.17%) and Amikacin (79.17%). Out of gram positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus (15.21%) were predominant and mostly sensitive to Vancomicin (100%) and Linezolide (95.23%). MRSA (28.57%) and MDR (17.39%) among total gram negative were identified in this study.Conclusions: As drug resistance among bacterial pathogens is an evolving process, regular surveillance and monitoring is necessary to provide physician’s knowledge on the updated and most effective empirical treatment of UTIs in children to reduce their morbidity and renal damage.

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Dr. Rina Das, Dr. Bimal Kumar Mandal Prevalence, Microbial Profile and Antimicrobial Sensitivity Pattern of Pathogens isolated from Paediatric Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Eastern India Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol.5, Issue : 6 JU

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