Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2016


Gagan Priya Pandey, Kush Manna

Abstract :

 INTRODUCTION : P. aeruginosa is deadly infectious agent which is gram negative bacilli. Found in warm moist area such as sinks, drains, respirators, humidifier and disinfectant. P.aeruginosa found in normal microbial flora in humans i.e., in skin, nasal mucosa, throat and fecal samples.

OBJECTIVES : Isolate and identify the P.aeruginosa from various clinical samples and study the prevalence of P.aeruginosa among various  samples.

METHODS : Nutrient agar, 5% Blood agar used for both culture characteristic and pigment production, Gram staining, Hanging drop test for motility, etc. were used to isolate and identification of the P.aeruginosa.

RESULT : Total of 70% males patients have been dectected infection caused by P.aeruginosa. Between 11-20 age group patients have high degree of prevalence of infection followed by elder age group. Ear swab (26%) and Pus (30%) from which the most positive samples has been isolated. P. aeruginosa was common in male patients. Maximun number of isolated obtained from the patients between 11-20 years and Pus samples have prevalence than that of ear swab.

CONCLUSION: The study is helpful for the diagnosis and treatment against the P.aeruginosa.

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Gagan Priya Pandey, Kush Manna, PREVALANCE OF PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSAL INFECTIONS- A HOSPITAL BASED STUDY., Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume : 5 | Issue : 12 | December 2016

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