Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2017

Preoperative Single Dose Dexamethasone Effectively Diminishes Postoperative Pain after Laparoscopic Surgery

Mallika Datta, Suman Chattopadhyay

Abstract :


Pain after Laparoscopic gynaecological procedures is multifactorial, and different treatments have been advocated to provide pain relief. Dexamethasone is best known for its anti- inflammatory property that reduces tissue edema during surgical procedure. A single dose of Dexamethasone has been shown to reduce post operative pain scores as well as PONV.   We evaluated the efficacy of analgesic effect of single dose (8mg) of injection Dexamethasone 1 hour before induction of anaesthesia on reducing post operative pain  and  reduction in opioid usage in laparoscopic procedures.


Materials and methods: In this double blind prospective study 50 patients undergoing laparoscopic gynaecological procedures received intravenous Dexamethsone (8mg) or placebo (normal saline) one hour before induction of GA. Patients received standardised anesthetics, with similar surgical and multimodal analgesic treatment. Total dose of consumed analgesic and pain intensity during first 24 hours postoperative period were evaluated in both groups.


Result: Pain intensity in Dexamethasone group was significantly less than in control group in the first 12 hour post operative period (p < 0.05). Opioid consumption in Dexamethsone group was significantly less than placebo group (p < 0.05).


Conclusion: We concluded that 8 mg single dose of intravenous Deaxamethasone given at least one hour prior to surgery is a safe, effective and inexpensive choice to control post operative pain  and at the same time to reduce opiod  consumption in comparison with placebo. (234 words)

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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Mallika Datta, Suman Chattopadhyay, Preoperative Single Dose Dexamethasone Effectively Diminishes Postoperative Pain after Laparoscopic Surgery, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-3, March‾2017

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