Volume : IV, Issue : XII, December - 2015
Poverty and Alleviation of Poverty in India
Dr. M. Padmaja, M. Surendra
Abstract :
Poverty in India is defined on the basis of consumption of calories required for an individual to survive, along with certain other basic costs like healthcare, educations etc. The Rangarajan Committee was set up to review for estimating poverty. The report also indicates that in Southern Asia, only India is on track to cut poverty by half by the 2015 target date. The present paper is based on secondary data. The paper focuses its attention on causes of poverty and to eradicate poverty through Govt. Welfare schemes.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr. M. Padmaja, M. Surendra Poverty and Alleviation of Poverty In India Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 12 December 2015
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Dr. M. Padmaja, M. Surendra Poverty and Alleviation of Poverty In India Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 12 December 2015