Volume : VII, Issue : III, March - 2018

Post Surgical Splint for Prosthetic Management of facial and neck burn

Dr. Vivek Jadhav, Dr. Sweta Pisulkar, Dr Sejal Shinde Tambake

Abstract :


The sequelae of burns to the neck and face include facial deformity and post surgical wound contracture that can have a long term negative impact on patient’s quality of life. Successful management of posttraumatic nasal obstruction relies on a detailed history, careful analysis, and accurate diagnosis.

Contracture, a characteristic phenomenon of wound healing can result in severe disfigurement causing functional impairment and affecting esthetics of a patient who has sustained burn injuries of face and anterior part of neck. Management of scar tissue is extremely essential in rehabilating patient of patient of facial burns as it may have a significant effect on patient’s psychological wellbeing. A maxillofacial prosthodontist can assist the treatment of burn patient by faicating a post surgical splint. This clinical report illustrates the faication of  a post surgical splint to prevent scar contracture and support the split thickness graft.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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Dr. Vivek Jadhav, Dr. Sweta Pisulkar, Dr Sejal Shinde Tambake, Post Surgical Splint for Prosthetic Management of facial and neck burn, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-7, ISSUE-3, MARCH-2018

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