Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2016
Dr. P. Subba Reddy, Dr. S. Radhika, Dr. K. Nirmala, Dr. S. Ravi, Dr. R. G. Rachel
Abstract :
Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common epithelial tumour of lacrimal gland.We report a case of lacrimal gland tumour in a 17 year old male of 3 years duration to emphasize the importance of early diagnosis and treatment to preserve vision and prevent recurrences and malignant transformation .
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr.P.Subba Reddy, Dr.S.Radhika, Dr.K.Nirmala, Dr.S.Ravi, Dr.R.G.Rachel, PLEOMORPHIC ADENOMA, Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | November 2016
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Dr.P.Subba Reddy, Dr.S.Radhika, Dr.K.Nirmala, Dr.S.Ravi, Dr.R.G.Rachel, PLEOMORPHIC ADENOMA, Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | November 2016