Volume : V, Issue : IX, September - 2016
Pitfalls in the diagnosis of oncocytic thyroid lesions-A retrospective study
Dr. Ipsita Saha, Dr. Sambit Dasgupta, Dr. Sarmila Sen
Abstract :
Thyroid oncocytic follicular cells are found in a variety of non-neoplastic & neoplastic conditions. Evaluation of oncocytic thyroid lesions is challenging and laden with diagnostic pitfalls. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the cytological and histopathological findings in oncocytic thyroid lesions. FNAC was performed on 460 cases of thyroid swellings and correlated with histopathological examination. In cytology, 148 cases were found to be associated with oncocytic changes of which 110(74.32%) were non-neoplastic and 38(25.68%) neoplastic. On follow up with histopathology, 10 cases among 110 cytologically nonneoplastic cases, were proved neoplastic. False negative result was observed in 9.1% of cases. This study concludes that false negative results may be obtained in cytological diagnosis of oncocytic thyroid lesions. This may be due to obscuring of small foci of neoplasm on FNAC. Therefore, histopathological examination with thorough sectioning and adequate tissue submission are of utmost importance to correctly diagnose oncocytic thyroid lesions
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr. Ipsita Saha, Dr. Sambit Dasgupta, Dr. Sarmila Sen Pitfalls in the diagnosis of oncocytic thyroid lesions-A retrospective study Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume : 5 | Issue : 9 | September 2016
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Dr. Ipsita Saha, Dr. Sambit Dasgupta, Dr. Sarmila Sen Pitfalls in the diagnosis of oncocytic thyroid lesions-A retrospective study Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume : 5 | Issue : 9 | September 2016