Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015

Performance Evaluation of Banks- A Case Study of BDCCB of Belgaum District

Dr. A. S. Shiralashetti

Abstract :

 The banking sector has been playing key role in the development of Indian economy. The co–operative banks in India 

have been financing rural and urban borrowers to invest in production activities from the day of their inception on the 
basis of co–operation principle. Further, the District Central Cooperative Bank in Belgaum District with wide net work of 
anches in rural and semi urban areas has been providing necessary banking services to the development of district since its inception. It has 
been also acting as mediatory for many government sponsored programmes relating to poverty alleviation and self employment. The present 
study is based on the secondary data collected from annual credit plan of the Lead District Bank. The study revealed that there have significant 
differences in the anches of rural, semi–urban and urban areas in deposit mobilization and credit deployment during study period

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Dr.A.S.Shiralashetti Performance Evaluation of Banks- A Case Study of BDCCB of Belgaum District Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 3 March 2015

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