Volume : VII, Issue : I, January - 2018

Outcome of Gestational Diabetes and Weight loss.

Dr Smita Sarangi, Dr Rabindranath Behra, Dr Krishna Priyambada, Dr Amrit Pattojoshi, Dr. Ajay Kumar Bakhla

Abstract :


Aim : We aimed to compare post partal weight loss of gestational diabetes mellitus and post partal diabetes mellitus.  


Methods : It was a short duration observational study. All subjects were enrolled at their admission for delivery with a diagnosis of gestational diabetes. They were assessed for inclusion – exclusion criteria, and on qualification they were requested to fill up Socio-demographic data sheet or asked verbally and filled up by investigators. The blood was collected for measurement of Hb1Ac at the time of diagnosis and after 3-4 months of post partal duration.


Results: Out of total sample size of 42 patients 13 patients (30.95 %)  had higher Hb1Ac above 6.5 after 3 months post partum. There was significantly minimal weight loss among post partal diabetes mellitus in comparison to gestational diabetes mellitus (1.86 ± .68 vs 3.65 ± .76; t = -7.201, p= .000).


Conclusions— This study finds that among patients of post partam diabetes there is less weight loss, in comparison to women of gestational diabetes.


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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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Dr Smita Sarangi, Dr Rabindranath Behra, Dr Krishna Priyambada, Dr Amrit Pattojoshi, Dr. Ajay Kumar Bakhla, Outcome of Gestational Diabetes and Weight loss., GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-7, ISSUE-1, JANUARY-2018

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