Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2016

Ocular manifestations in Leprosy patients.

Dr. Siddhesh R. Salvi

Abstract :

 Leprosy is a chronic infection caused by the acid-fast bacillus Mycobacterium leprae. In addition to the skin, upper respiratory tract and peripheral nervous system leprosy patients often develop ocular manifestations. It is very important to detect Ocular leprosy because around 10% peoples of ocular leprosy can end up with blindness. Prevalence of blindness is around 4.5% in India. Though early stage is asymptomatic but early detection and appropriate treatment is very much essential. Hereby , representing an article with ocular manifestations in Leprosy patient

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Dr. SIDDHESH R. SALVI Ocular manifestations in Leprosy patients Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol.5, Issue : 6 JUNE 2016

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