Volume : IV, Issue : XII, December - 2015
Dr. J. Sujathamalini, Dr. K. Gunasekaran
Abstract :
This thematic paper focuses on occupational stressors and coping strategies of teachers in inclusive educational set up. Inclusive education is gaining popularity now-a-days. There are children, with individual differences i.e., average, below average, above average, gifted, slow learners, and children with disabilities as a part of the school community (Forlin, 2001). It is observed that, it is becoming difficult for the regular teachers to deal with these different types of students in inclusive schools. It is always good if the special teacher can prepare different strategic methods of teaching for the above inclusive group of children. But it is also observed that such teachers are found very scarce. At this juncture, is it evinced that both regular and special teachers experience occupational stress and adapt various coping strategies to overcome their occupational stress. There are various occupational stressors which induce stress among both teachers. They are organisational stressors, professional stressors, Interpersonal interaction stressors and instructional stressors. They also adapt various coping strategies such as developing a sense of humor, concentrating on other interests outside schools, seeking help from other teachers, doing meditation & yoga, doing Physical exercise and altering the stressful situations etc.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr. J.Sujathamalini, Dr. K. Gunasekaran Occupational Stressors and Coping Strategies of Teachers
with Special Reference to Inclusive Education Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 12 December 2015
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Dr. J.Sujathamalini, Dr. K. Gunasekaran Occupational Stressors and Coping Strategies of Teachers with Special Reference to Inclusive Education Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 12 December 2015