Volume : VI, Issue : XII, December - 2017

Neurocriminology: A Field of Psychology that Corrects the Anti-Social Behaviour

Bijin Thomas Zachariah, Dr. S. L. Vaya, Bibin Abraham Zachariah

Abstract :

 Forensic Psychology is an applied field of Psychology that is related with law and legal system regarding the collection of evidences and reporting them for the judicial presentation. Investigative Psychology is an outcome of forensic psychology that would lead the investigative psychologist to help the investigating agencies by conducting specific psychological examinations related to that particular crime. But both Forensic Psychology and Investigative Psychology are purely related to path finder to give right direction in an investigation through its applications. But, there is a field that is linked to Forensic and Investigative Psychology that helps the individual to correct the anti-social behaviour that lead to criminal activity. That is known as “Neurocriminology”, an intervention module for correcting Antisocial Behavior and thereby reduce the recidivism in jails, and juvenile homes. This article will give a glimpse of the link between path from the forensic-investigative psychology to ‘Neurocriminology’. 

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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Bijin Thomas Zachariah, Dr. S.L. Vaya, Bibin Abraham Zachariah, Neurocriminology: A Field of Psychology that Corrects the Anti-Social Behaviour, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6, ISSUE-12, DECEMBER-2017

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