Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015


A. S. Mulla, Dr. B. T. Jadhav

Abstract :

 In wireless network, an ad–hoc network is a network without infrastructure. In mobile ad–hoc network, nodes are free 

to move and organize themselves in any fashion. This network provides services of type “anytime anywhere” through 
which information can be available at all time and everywhere. But before looking for it, one should think about 
security of network which is playing a crucial role in data transmission. This paper discussed few focused parameters of network security and an 
experimental approach for the same.

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A. S. Mulla, Dr. B. T. Jadhav NETWORK SECURITY PARAMETER ANALYSIS USING SIMULATION APPROACH Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 4 April 2015

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