Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2017

NEET is not enough to make everything neat - An opinion survey among leaders of medical profession regarding nationwide common entrance test for MBBS admissions in India.

Praveenlal Kuttichira, Tom Thomas

Abstract :

 Medical Education system of India is one of world’s largest. Their quality is of global importance. Corruption in Indian Medical Education system warranted intervention of Supreme Court and led to discussions in International journals. Illegal capitation fee system blocks the admission of meritorious students and subverts the system. Capitation fee, corruption of licensing authorities, over investigations ordered by doctors, rising cost of health care and lowering of standards are inter linked. Regulation of admissions was expected to cleanse the system. National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) came into force from year 2016. This is the first report on its impact. An opinion survey was conducted among MCI members, Medical College Principals and IMA leaders. A six question questionnaire was created in Google survey forms and communicated through email. Responses received for three weeks. The table and graphs were generated in Excel. The results from groups were combined for analysis. One third of MCI members (38 out of 105 ie36%) responded while it was 3(1·5%) for IMA leaders and 6(2%) for Principals. Among the 47(7·8%) respondents 26(55%) reported admissions were NEET based, 21(45%) reported rank based, 13(28%)reported the application form was not available to all and 16(34%) reported lack of supervision. 37(79%)reported rise in the course fee and 15(32%)opined capitation fee could not be stopped. Number of responses from MCI members points to their sense of responsibility. Low responses from Principals were noteworthy. Many colleges could admit students outside NEET and avoid inter-se-merit; ignoring court verdict. Access to applications forms was limited. The hike in fee was the counter effect. NEET was opposed on the ground of favoring central syllabus in English medium, though supremacy of it over various state syllabi in vernacular is not established. Cautions expressed against coaching centers forming an obstacle before rural and socio-culturally underprivileged students. Rapid growth of Private sector in Indian Medical Education necessitated ensuring MCI norms strictly. Though MCI was unanimous for NEET, there was reluctance to ensure effective implementation. Centralised counseling was actually arranging country wide single window for admissions. But this was not argued prominently anywhere. NEET appears promising, but not enough.

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Praveenlal Kuttichira, Tom Thomas, NEET is not enough to make everything neat‾An opinion survey among leaders of medical profession regarding nationwide common entrance test for MBBS admissions in India., GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-3, March‾2017

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