Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2017

Morphological study of coronary sinus and coronary Sinus ostium in human cadaveric hearts

Dr. N. F. Gathe, Dr. M. S. Supare, Dr. S. V. Pandit, Dr. G. G. Aatram

Abstract :

 Background: The coronary sinus collects majority of venous blood from the heart & return it to the right atrium of the heart. Few studies were reported on coronary venous system till now. The present study is planned to study the formation, tributaries, length & shape of coronary sinus, and shape, length and eadth of coronary sinus ostium (Thebesian valve).  

Materials and Methods: Thirty eight formalin fixed cadaveric hearts were used for the study. The formation, tributaries, length and shape of coronary sinus (CS) was noted. The length of CS in millimetres was measured from the union of great cardiac vein and left marginal vein up to the opening of the coronary sinus in the right atrium with vernier calliper. The shape of the coronary sinus ostium was noted & the measurements (length and eadth) of it were taken in millimetres with vernier calliper.

Results: In 89.47% (34) specimens the coronary sinus was formed by the union of great cardiac vein and left marginal vein. The left marginal vein was absent in 4 specimens and small cardiac vein was absent in 2 specimen. The mean length of coronary sinus was 53.80 ± 10.2 millimetre (mm). The mean width of coronary sinus ostium was 11.89 mm. The shape of coronary sinus was cylindrical. The Thebesian valve was semilunar in shape in 37 specimens and remnant in 1specimen.

Conclusion: Coronary sinus was formed by great cardiac vein with left marginal vein in 89.47% specimens. Shape of CSO was semilunar in 37 specimens and remnant in 1. Average length of CSO was 9.11 mm and width was 11.89 mm. Knowledge of the morphology of CS and CSO is helpful while doing electrophysiological procedures.

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Dr. N. F. Gathe, Dr. M. S. Supare, Dr. S. V. Pandit, Dr. G.G. Aatram, Morphological study of coronary sinus and coronary Sinus ostium in human cadaveric hearts, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-4, April‾2017

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