Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2017

Monocyte with no Paraoxonase 2 lactonase activity.

Dr. Pankaj Kumar, Dr. Shraddha V. More, Dr. Mukund R. Mogarekar

Abstract :

 For estimation of monocytic paraoxonase 2 (PON 2) lactonase activity, a junior resident doctor collected blood from a myocardial infarction patient and a healthy control. He processed the sample immediately after blood collection and separated monocyte by a separating media and prepared monocyte lysate and performed PON 2 lactonase activity estimation.(1,2) But no PON 2 lactonase activity was seen in both samples.

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Dr. Pankaj Kumar, Dr. Shraddha V. More, Dr. Mukund R. Mogarekar, Monocyte with no Paraoxonase 2 lactonase activity., GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE‾7 | JULY -2017

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