Volume : IX, Issue : VI, June - 2020
Mind-Boggling lower airway fungal infections
Raghavendra Rao M. V, Abrar A. Khan, Dilip Mathai, Vijay Kumar C, Khizer Hussain Junaidy, Tiara Calvo Leon, Pamphil Igman, Surekha Bhat, Mohammed Ismail Nizami, Mahendra K. Verma
Abstract :
Most fungi encountered by man are harmless saprophytes, but some species may in certain circumstances infect human tissue or promote damaging allergic reactions. The term mycosis is applied to disease caused by fungal infection. Predisposing factors include metabolic disorders ,such as diabetes mellitus, toxic states such as chronic alcoholism, diseases such as leukemia and myelomatosis in which immunological responses are disturbed, treatment with corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs, and radiotherapy. Local factors such as tissue damage by suppuration or necrosis and the elimination of the competitive influence of a normal bacterial flora by anti-biotic may also facilitates 0 fungal infection. The pulmonary mycoses are difficult and unsatisfactory. The administration of antibacterial drugs should be stopped, and anti-fungal agents substituted. Nystatin or natamycin by inhalation may control the more superficial respiratory mycoses involving the trachea and onchi. For grave pulmonary infections Amphotericin, a potent but highly toxic antifungal agent may have to be given intravenously. Flucytocine and the anti-fungal imidazole may be useful in the treatment of less severe infections. The effective dose of Amphotericin, and thus its toxic effects on the kidney can be reduced by combining it with flucytocine. Surgical treatment may have to be considered if severe hemoptysis occurs
Keywords :
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome patients (AIDS) Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) Bronchoalveolar lavage (lung rinse). Mucormycosis Candida albicans Curvularia Geotrichum and Helminthosporium
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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MIND-BOGGLING LOWER AIRWAY FUNGAL INFECTIONS, Raghavendra Rao M. V, Abrar A. Khan, Dilip Mathai, Vijay Kumar C, Khizer Hussain Junaidy, Tiara Calvo Leon, Pamphil Igman, Surekha Bhat, Mohammed Ismail Nizami, Mahendra K. Verma GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-9 | Issue-6 | June-2020
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MIND-BOGGLING LOWER AIRWAY FUNGAL INFECTIONS, Raghavendra Rao M. V, Abrar A. Khan, Dilip Mathai, Vijay Kumar C, Khizer Hussain Junaidy, Tiara Calvo Leon, Pamphil Igman, Surekha Bhat, Mohammed Ismail Nizami, Mahendra K. Verma GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-9 | Issue-6 | June-2020