Volume : II, Issue : VIII, August - 2013

Meta-Analysis of Effectiveness of Programme Learning

Tandel Sudhirkumar Haribha, Gordiya Pinalben Dhirenkumar

Abstract :

A meta–analysis was performed to synthesize existing research compå the effectiveness of PLM method versus Lecture method on students’ achievement and retention. 25 studies were located from the liary of Education Department of Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan and their quantitative data were transformed into Effect Size (ES). The overall corrected grand mean of the study–weighted ES for all 25 studies was 0.59. The results suggest that PLM method was more effective then the Lecture method both on achievement and retention. In addition, eight variables selected for the study (i.e., Sex, Year of Publication, Grade level, Subject area, Sample size, Population group, Place of Study, Number of Periods) had no statistically significant impact on the mean ES. The implication is that teacher should use more of PLM method compare to Lecture method and all subject teachers should use this method

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Tandel Sudhirkumar Haribha, Gordiya Pinalben Dhirenkumar / Meta-Analysis of Effectiveness of Programme Learning / Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol:2, Issue:8 August 2013

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